Genelec Smart IP - Version 2.0.0#

Module Summary#

Interact with Genelec Smart IP Speakers.

Module Status#

This IO Module is stable and has been tested internally.

If you encounter any issues with this module, or have any feedback regarding its operation, please contact our support team.

Release Notes#

Version 2.0#

  • Initial release

Minor point releases (eg. 1.1.x) will be for small fixes and may not be listed here.


Compilable with models: 4410A, 4420A, 4430A, 4435A, and 4436A


Note: For correct operation of device discovery, please ensure the default gateway is correctly set on the Controller’s network interface.

The module can operate in two main control modes, Multiple device and Single device. When operating in Multiple device, commands are multicast to a number of devices. There is no feedback from these devices, and certain actions and trigger functions are invalid in this mode.
Genelec firmware v1.3.25 or later is required for Multiple device control.

To obtain individual feedback from devices, while retaining multicast control, it’s fine to create multiple instances to obtain both Multiple device and Single device operation.

Module Properties#

Checking the Extended Logging checkbox will provide detailed log messages about discovery operations.
This is intended for diagnostics and problem solving and should ideally be disabled during normal operation.

Instance Properties#

Control mode sets the operating mode, different properties are then available dependent on mode.

Volume scaling can be set to either Logarithmic or Linear and affects the scaling used between decibels and percent.

Checking the Extended Logging checkbox will provide more detailed log messages. This is intended for diagnostics and problem solving and should ideally be disabled during normal operation.

Control mode - Single device#

Set the Receiver to either that of the host name (e.g. 4420-010203) or the IP address (e.g. of the receiver.
If the host name is set, then the device is automatically discovered on the network.
If set to IP address, optionally a port can be used by appending :{port number} e.g.

Authentication credentials should be entered into Username and Password.

Setting the Update interval will dictate how often the receiver is polled for updates.

Control mode - Multiple device#

The multicast Group address and Group port should be set to match that of the receiver group.

Status Variables#

Note: Feedback is not available in Multiple device mode

The IO Modules tab of the web interface provides status variables to shows information about the module and monitor its state.

Some of these variables will unavailable unless receiver’s power status is Active.

  • Access denied
  • Offline
  • Online
  • Unknown
  • Multicast mode
  • Standby
  • Active
  • Sleep
  • PoE Fail
Not available if instance property Receiver was set to an IP Address
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Connection Result of last connection attempt
Power status Current power status
Receiver name Receiver display name
Receiver IP Resolved IP Address of the receiver
Zone number Current zone number of the receiver
Zone name Current zone name of the receiver
Volume Current audio volume in Decibels (-130.0 dB to 0.0 dB) and percent
Mute Is the audio output muted?
Inputs List of enabled audio inputs
Profile number Active profile number
Profile name Active profile name
Firmware version Reported firmware version
PoE Current power drawn from PoE (power over ethernet)
LED brightness Brightness of the front panel LEDs
RJ45 LED RJ45 Ethernet connector status LED
Clip LED Clip LED (Subwoofer only) status


Updated connection#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Fires when the connection status to the receiver changes, matching Status.

Trigger variables:

  •  Variable 1: Online or Offline (string).

Updated power#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Fires when the controller receives an updated power level, matching Mode.

Trigger variables:

  •  Variable 1: Standby, Active, Sleep, PoE Fail (string).

Updated volume#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Fires when the controller receives an updated volume level.

Trigger variables:

  •  Variable 1: Decibel level (number).

  •  Variable 2: Percentage (number).

Updated mute#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Fires when the controller receives an updated audio mute, matching Set.

Trigger variables:

  •  Variable 1: Mute set (boolean).

Updated profile#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Fires when the controller receives an updated profile, matching Number.

Trigger variables:

  •  Variable 1: Profile number (integer).

  •  Variable 2: Profile name (string).


Set power#

Requests the receiver to set power Mode. n.b. Some actions maybe unavailable when not in Active.

Set volume (dB)#

Requests the receiver to set audio volume Level dB.

Set volume (Percent)#

Requests the receiver to set audio volume Level %.

Set mute#

Requests the receiver to Set or unset audio mute.

Set inputs#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Requests the receiver to set audio inputs to a combination of Analogue, Dante 1, Dante 2.

Set profile#

Requests the receiver to current profile to Number. Optionally the default startup will be set to Number if Default is set.

Set LED#

Note: Not available in Multiple device mode

Requests the receiver to set the front panel LED Intensity. The RJ45 connector LEDs, and Clip LED (subwoofers only); can be enabled/disabled.

Log details#

For information only.
Log in full the results from ID, Info, Power, Events, Profiles.


If you encounter any issues with this module, please contact our support team.